Malta’s Top 5 Up-and-Coming Content Creators

Malta’s Top 5 Up-and-Coming Content Creators

Alright, party people, Malta is stepping into the limelight in a big way! The 2020s have seen an explosion of talent on social media, and these five entertainers are leading the charge, bringing you the best of the island nation in style.

Heres a list of our Top 5 Emerging Social Talents:

1) Mariah Morgan (@marrssy)

Mariah Morgan
- The Culinary Maestro 🌟👩‍🍳 Immerse yourself in the sumptuous world of Mariah Morgan! On TikTok @marrssy_, she expertly blends her journey as a pastry chef with captivating artistry.

Her feed is a treasure trove of culinary delights, offering a behind-the-scenes look at her life as a culinary student and her escapades in the kitchen. Each post is a mini-masterclass, brimming with tips, techniques, and a deep dive into the sweet realm of pastries and baking. Food lovers and aspiring chefs will find her content both enlightening and engaging.

But Mariah's TikTok is more than just a learning platform; it's a personal diary that reflects her growth and passion. With each video, she invites you into her world, where dedication to the culinary arts meets the warmth of Maltese culture. Her blend of educational insights, heartwarming stories, and a touch of Maltese flair makes her social media presence a vibrant and inspiring space.

2) Luke Bedford (@itslukebedford)

Luke Bedford - The Visual Voyager
is a master of visual storytelling, captivating audiences in Malta and beyond with his stunning videography and photography. Each of his creations is a unique narrative, showcasing his ability to capture moments in a way that speaks volumes. Whether it's a breathtaking photoshoot or a beautifully crafted video, Luke's work is a blend of artistic expression and technical skill. His portfolio is a testament to his talent in bringing stories to life through the camera lens, making him a source of inspiration and a must-follow for enthusiasts of visual arts.


3) Max (@SandMax24)

Sandmax24 - The Wannabe Comedian
 is a versatile social media entertainer known for his humor and unique rap series featuring famous artists and celebrities. His content, a lively mix of witty observations, comedic skits, and sharp rap verses, captivates a broad audience. Beyond rapping, he's branched out into podcasts, streaming, gaming, and in-real-life skits, showcasing his multifaceted talent. SandMax24's ability to blend relatable humor with diverse entertainment forms makes his social media channels a must-visit for those seeking laughter, creativity, and fresh perspectives.


4) Kyle Faure (@faurelifts)


Faurelifts - the rising TikTok star from Malta, gaining traction with his engaging and humorous gym-related content. He creatively blends fitness with fun, capturing the hearts of viewers with his lighthearted take on gym culture and workouts. Faurelifts' content is a refreshing mix of fitness tips, motivational moments, and a good dose of humor, making his TikTok feed an entertaining destination for fitness enthusiasts and anyone looking for a laugh. His approachable and relatable style makes him a standout in the fitness community on TikTok. Follow him on TikTok @faurelifts for a unique blend of fitness, fun, and inspiration.


4) BulletProof (@bulletproofculture)


Bulletproof - Malta's fitness sensation that's turning the island into a muscle-building, health-boosting playground! 🏋️‍♂️✨ Led by the dynamic trio of Scott, Adam, and Andrew, Bulletproof isn't just a fitness community; it's a whirlwind of energy that's reshaping how Malta sweats and smiles.


They're not just about lifting weights; they're lifting spirits with their zany, high-octane content on YouTube – think fitness meets fun, education meets entertainment. 📺💪

They've also left their mark on the island through their established outdoor gyms in locations like St Paul’s Bay and Sliema, supported by local councils and sponsors, fostering a communal fitness spirit. This blend of digital influence and tangible community impact makes Bulletproof a standout among Malta's creative forces.

Their approach isn't just about fitness; it's a lifestyle movement, making them a compelling follow for anyone interested in fitness, community building, and innovative content​.

- End -

And there you have it - Malta's freshest, funkiest, and most fabulous entertainers, all set to dazzle your screens. From culinary delights to world travels, belly laughs to nocturnal adventures, these folks are turning Malta's social media scene into a spectacular show. Stay tuned because this party is just getting started! 🥳🎈🌟


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